View Source Create a Phoenix Project

A fast way to explore Elixir further is to create a website using the Phoenix framework.


  • You have installed Elixir (If not, see here for instructions)
  • You have a Postgres database running (If not, see here for instructions)

Create a Website

You can create and run a new website with only a few commands:

# Install the Phoenix project generator
mix archive.install hex phx_new

# Create a new project
mix demo --install

# Navigate into the new project
cd demo

# Create the database
mix ecto.create

# And start the server
mix phx.server

Now, go to localhost:4000 and you'll see a welcome page!

Build a ToDo App in 1 Minute

Let's add some reactive content to the project! We can build a ToDo app in under a minute. Just run the following in your terminal:

# Generate a ToDo database schema and add a UI to manage them
mix ToDos ToDo todos name:string done:boolean deadline:utc_datetime

Then, copy and paste the live routes into your lib/demo_web/router.ex

scope "/", DemoWeb do
  pipe_through :browser

  get "/", PageController, :home

  # Add these hereπŸ‘‡
  live "/todos", ToDoLive.Index, :index
  live "/todos/new", ToDoLive.Index, :new
  live "/todos/:id/edit", ToDoLive.Index, :edit

  live "/todos/:id", ToDoLive.Show, :show
  live "/todos/:id/show/edit", ToDoLive.Show, :edit

Now, go to localhost:4000/todos. It will ask you to run the migrations. Just click on Run migrations for repo.

You should now see an empty list of ToDos. Just click on New To do to add your first todo! Try editing and deleting some todos.

You might wonder why you don't see page reloads when you add or remove todos. That's because we use Phoenix LiveView, which allows us to write reactive but server-rendered frontends in pure Elixir!

Check out the Phoenix LiveView docs to learn more or watch the creator of Phoenix, Chris McCord, build a real-time Twitter clone in just 15: